The books have been written on a wide range of subjects such as pilgrimage rituals, Imam Reza, Golden Chain Hadith, etc., and translated in French, English, Arabic, Russian, Urdu, etc.
Prophet Muhammad’s Infallible Household has always been a beacon pointing their true followers in the right path; accordingly, the book ‘Travel with Sun’ has been written on the life and conduct of Imam Reza to familiarize readers with Prophet Muhammad’s Infallible Household.
This book has been translated into Hausa - a Chadic language spoken by the Hausa people in the northern parts of Nigeria, Niger, Ghana, etc.
A number of books dealing with Imam Reza’s life and conduct have also been translated into English.
Some famous works revolving around pilgrimage and prayer have been turned into Arabic.
The book ‘Ethos of Imam Reza’ has been translated into Azeri and Urdu.
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