Intl. preachers Congress underway in Imam Reza shrine

The International Preachers Congress got underway in Imam Reza shrine, northeast Iran, under the aegis of Islamic Culture and Relations Organization in a bid to promote Ashura culture and true Islamic teachings among non-Iranian pilgrims on the verge of Muharram (the first month on the lunar calendar).

The event, which had Hoj Bagheri, head of Islamic Culture and Relations Organization in Khorasan Razavi Province, and Hoj Zolfaghari, Deputy for International Pilgrims Affairs of the shrine, in attendance, was focused on the significance of preaching true Islamic content to the audience.
“One of the major duties of the preachers is presenting a true image of Islam and Shi’ism to non-Iranian pilgrims using appropriate and efficient methods”, said Hoj Bagheri.
Speaking in the event, Hoj Zolfaghari pointed to the uprising of Imam Hussain and his companions, noting: “The Ashura incident has cautionary lessons for human beings, which the preachers must transfer to their audience”.
Elsewhere in the congress, the director general of Quranic Dissemination Office, Dr Neishabouri, cited Ahl al-Bait’s features and preaching principles.
 The Deputy Office for International Pilgrims Affairs sends preachers throughout the world to promote Ashura culture.

News Code 4632


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