Speaking in a meeting with Imam Reza shrine’s custodian in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, the Iraqi scholar, Seyyed Hossein Sadr, extended his condolences for the martyrdom of the late President Ebrahim Raeisi and his companions in a chopper crash on May 19, appreciating the hard work by Imam Reza shrine in a wide range of fields.
“Excellent works have been done in Imam Reza shrine, so much so that it has become a Muslims’ glory in the eyes of the world”, said Ayat Sadr.
“Imam Reza shrine has demonstrated various Islamic aspects such as spiritual, scientific, ethical, etc., which is the exact mission of Ahl al-Bait”, added the religious scholar.
Addressing Hoj Ahmad Marvi, Imam Reza shrine’s Custodian, Ayat Sadr stated: “I hold you in a very high regard because of both your righteous and scientific personality, and the grave legal position you serve as the head of shrine. I know that you’re a man of your word”.
The Iraqi scholar further praised measures implemented in Imam Reza shrine in educating the young generation of boys and girls in religious matters, calling it a current necessity for the Islamic world.
“Educating religious youths that will, in turn, build a capable Muslim society, has been the mission of Ahl al-Bait, the late Imam Khomeini, and the Leader of the Islamic Revolution”, he continued.
Ayat Sadr stated that he had always been closely following news about the measures underway in Imam Reza shrine.
The Custodian of Imam Reza shrine, for his part, pointed to some of the cultural programs in the shrine, saying: “One of our main focuses in cultural matters is abiding by a Hadith from Imam Reza, which says, ‘Had people known the beauty of our messages, they would’ve doubtlessly followed us’”.
“We firmly believe that holy shrines are not only the burial place of Imams, rather our Imams are truly present there, and people need to visit the holy shrine to benefit spiritually the same way they had done during the Imams’ lifetime”, added Hoj Marvi.
He stressed that not only did Imam Reza shrine attempts to facilitate pilgrimage and boost pilgrims’ convenience, but also it prioritizes cultural and religious improvements of the pilgrims, both Iranian and non-Iranian, as had always been emphasized by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution.
Elsewhere in his remarks, Hoj Marvi expressed gratitude to Iraqi religious scholars for their solidarity and sympathy with the Iranian nation after the martyrdom of President Raeisi.
He concluded his words by reiterating that the great Iranian nation would stand firmly in the face of tribulations and enemy plots as they had done in the early days of Revolution.

Influential Iraqi cleric Ayat Sadr has appreciated measures taken by Imam Reza shrine in the northeastern Iranian city of Mashhad in various areas, calling its scientific and cultural accomplishments a source of pride for the Islamic world.
News Code 4544
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