Imam Reza holy shrine’s success in employing AI

Imam Reza holy shrine has successfully employed artificial intelligence (AI) and information technology (IT) in implementation of its projects in the areas of healthcare and medical diagnosis, says Ibrahim Daneshifar, head of IT center of Imam Reza holy shrine.

Highlighting the importance of AI in modern world, Daneshifar said: “AI is widely applied in the field of healthcare. It is used for better processing of biological signals and diagnosis of dangerous diseases”.
Speaking in an academic conference held by Imam Reza International University, he added: “One of the fields in which AI has been very influential is the use of AI algorithms to create designs for sustainable and environment-friendly structures. This technology allows us to use natural resources optimally and to create designs that minimize energy and water consumption”.
Daneshifar went on to say: “In the field of architecture, application of AI has led to a meaningful reduction in energy consumption of buildings by 30%. In future, architecture cannot be imagined without AI in a way that this technology will become one of the basic tools in design and construction of future buildings”.
Head of IT center of Imam Reza holy shrine also said: “AI is not supposed to serve modern designs only. It can help us optimize architectural structures in a way that they will maintain their cultural and historical roots as well”.
As another speaker of the conference, Professor Reza Mirzaei, a scientific board member of Islamic Azad University, said: “Assessment of pilgrims’ needs in the physical and functional spaces of the shrine should be taken into consideration and we hope that a suitable model will be presented with evolutionary intelligence.”
Mirzaei is of the opinion that “Such meetings promise a bright future for the interaction between science and art in architecture, especially in the field of AI”.

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