Ashura mourning ceremonies got underway in Imam Reza shrine

On the tenth day of Muharram, known as Ashura, Imam Reza shrine in the northeastern Iranian city of Mashhad hosted millions of pilgrims who gathered to mourn the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussain (the 3rd Shia Imam) and his 72 companions in the battle of Karbala some 14 centuries ago in 680 AD.

 Imam Khomeini Portico of the shrine on Ashura (July 16).
Ayat Alamolhoda gave a speech in the ceremony recounting the passions and tribulations Imam Hussain and his companions went through.

On the evening of Ashura, another mourning ceremony called Sham-e-Ghariban (the Night of the estranged) got underway in the shrine, with Hoj Marvi and thousands of pilgrims in attendance.
The ceremony reached its climax with mourners lighting candles and chanting mournful eulogies paying homage to the martyrs of Karbala.

News Code 4734


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