AQR senior official attends “Development of Jafari Endowment” conference in Kuwait

The Deputy for International Affairs of Astan Quds Razavi (AQR) attended a conference dubbed ‘Development of Jafari Endowment in Past Twenty Years’ in Kuwait.

The 10th round of ‘Development of Jafari Endowment in Past Twenty Years’ conference got underway at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Kuwait on February 12, with the Kuwaiti Minister of Endowments, foreign guests, and Kuwaiti officials in attendance.

Hoj. Mostafa Faqih Esfandiari, representing Astan Quds Razavi, traveled to Kuwait for the conference and met with Mohammad Toutounchi, the Iranian Ambassador to Kuwait.

Discussions included topics such as facilitating pilgrimage and pilgrimage diplomacy.

Presenting a paper and giving a speech at the conference, and attending the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution at the Iranian Embassy in Kuwait, were also part of the Deputy’s visit plans to Kuwait.

News Code 5794


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