14th Razavi Book of the Year Festival invitation reaches 70,000 recipients

The Executive Committee secretary of the 14th Razavi International Book of the Year Festival announced that the festival's invitation has been sent to approximately 70,000 writers, publishers, and various scientific, cultural, research, and religious centers and institutions, both domestically and internationally.

Mehdi Qeysari-Nik stated that the festival's secretariat utilized various methods, including email, SMS, automated letters, and postal mail, to disseminate the invitation for the festival's 14th edition. The invitation, translated into five languages, was sent to over 6,500 publishers, centers, universities, and Shia cultural-religious institutions worldwide.
The invitation was also sent via the government dashboard to universities, scientific and cultural centers, and religious institutions.
It was disseminated internationally through the Islamic Culture and Communication Organization to 60 cultural attachés and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to embassies and consulates of Iran.
It also reached email subscribers and social media networks of the Islamic Ideology Dissemination Office.
Qeysari-Nik noted the use of the SMS system of the Libraries, Museums, and Documents Organization for sending the invitation to managers and staff of cultural institutions, domestic publishers, writers, cultural figures, guests, and participants of previous festival sessions. The invitation was also sent to all subscribers of the SMS system of Imam Reza International Foundation and the Communications and Media Center.
He mentioned that the invitation was emailed to 3,000 domestic publishers and sent by post to over 2,000 domestic publishers in December.
The secretariat followed up by phone with publishers who have published books related to Razavi themes to ensure their participation.
Qeysari-Nik added: “In the ‘Razavi Book Servant’ section, phone calls and invitations were sent to participants of previous sessions to encourage them to submit their works”.
A press conference was held in June 2024 at Imam Reza shrine museum, during which, the festival poster was unveiled.
Interested individuals have until the end of March 2025 to submit their works to the secretariat.
The festival is held under the auspices of the Libraries, Museums, and Documents Organization of Astan Quds Razavi (AQR).
Participants can visit the festival's website at  https://library.razavi.ir/ketabsal for more information.

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