Holy shrines forge bonds between Muslims, Al-Quds

Secretary of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution has defined Islamic holy shrines as the bond between Muslims and Al-Quds.

“Holy shrines play a central role regarding the Palestine and Al-Quds issues”, stated Hoj. Khosropanah on the sidelines of the international gathering of ‘Al-Quds, Shared Heritage among Faiths’, which was held in Imam Reza shrine (northeastern Iran) on April 13.

Answering a question about the role of Islamic holy shrines in raising public awareness about the Al-Quds issue, the secretary noted that “Shia holy shrines are considered sacred places tied with the holy Prophet. Currently, we see Sunni Muslims visiting Imam Reza shrine in Mashhad, or the shrines in Iraq and other Muslim countries for pilgrimage. This indicates their true love for the Prophet’s Infallible Household. This love can be seen among Sunni Muslims in different countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, etc”.

Speaking about the influence of Islamic shrines across the world in forging a profound bond between Muslims and Al-Quds, Hoj. Khosropanah added: “The holy Prophet’s Infallible Household serves as the ‘Strong Divine Rope’ connecting all the Muslims”.

“This can create unity and solidarity among Muslims to stand up in defense of Al-Quds. Therefore, Muslims can sympathize with the oppressed people of Palestine, and their united front can scare the Israeli regime to the core”, concluded the secretary.

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